What, another krautrock blog? Yes, sir! But this one is a little different.
A lot has been written about krautrock and I'm not pretending I can add much to the history of the German movement that inspired so many artists. But blogs that connect the sound of the late 1960s-early 1970s with stuff that came afterwards or music that is made today, are rare. Most blogs cover either old material or new releases.
This one will cover both. In other words, Krautrock 21 will be about the original krautrock bands but also about musicians that carried the torch to the 21st Century. And it's me who decides who these musicians are :-)
I mean, I'm not simply covering Stereolab, Tortoise or other bands who are labeled as post-rock. There's a place for them, too, but to me krautrock is more than a Can groove and some improvised noise.
Krautrock is an approach to music, not a musical style. I will post more about this later...